Support our residents

Parts & Labor relies on the support of individuals and foundations to provide vital support to our residents and the San Antonio creative community. We appreciate your thoughtful stewardship!

Make a donation

$100 buys artist supplies

$500 makes possible a family artist workshop

$1,000 covers transportation to San Antonio

$2,000 underwrites a monthly support stipend

$5,000 covers the cost of family’s six week stay

$10,000 covers annual maintenance of the Arciniega House

We are immensely grateful for your support!

Parts & Labor Artist Residency, San Antonio, Texas is a fiscally sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a 501(c)(3) charity.

Contributions made payable to Fractured Atlas for the purposes of Parts & Labor Artist Residency, San Antonio, Texas are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.